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Food Sci. Ind. 2024;57(4):365-443
Production and value addition of natural products using smart farming
Jai-Eok Park
Food Sci. Ind. 2024;57(4):365-371
Antiviral natural products based on targeting SARS-CoV-2 enzymes: trends and perspectives
Dae-Geun Song, Md Sofequl Islam Mukim, Keunwan Park, Hee-Ju Lee, Jaeyoung Kwon, Wook-Bin Lee, Moon-Hyeong Seo, and Cheol-Ho Pan
Food Sci. Ind. 2024;57(4):372-381
Development of functional foods from edible crops and their active ingredients for improving nasal conditions caused by immune hypersensitivity
Wook-bin Lee
Food Sci. Ind. 2024;57(4):382-392
Development of new processing method for hemp extract for cannabidiol (CBD) and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) production
Yongseong Han, Dong-Young Woo, Jiyool Kim, Young-Joo Kim, Jin-Chul Kim, Young-Tae Park, Jung Ho Song, Jeong Kook Kim, Taejung Kim, and Jungyeob Ham
Food Sci. Ind. 2024;57(4):393-400
Developing health functional foods for sarcopenia
Myungsuk Kim
Food Sci. Ind. 2024;57(4):401-414
Current and future applications of virtual reality in the food industry
Bong Soo Noh
Food Sci. Ind. 2024;57(4):415-433
Policy trends and corporate case studies for building a food circulation system
Jiyoung Jeon, Hyemi Park, Gaeun Kim, and Sahng-Wook Hahm
Food Sci. Ind. 2024;57(4):434-443
Food Science and Industry (Food Sci. Ind.; FSI) (ISSN: 0257-2397) which was launched in 1968, is devoted to the advancement and dissemination of scientific knowledge concerning food science, biotechnology, and related academic disciplines. The FSI is published every three month (March, June....
Characterization of palm oil and its utilization in food industry
Suk Hoo Yoon, and Yau Kun Teah
Received July 31, 2017; Accepted August 21, 2017.
Safety evaluation and approval status of genetically modified foods in Korea
Yun-Sook Kang
Received May 9, 2019; Accepted June 4, 2019.
Enzymatic degumming of edible fats and oils
Suk Hoo Yoon
Received April 26, 2018; Accepted May 31, 2018.